Thursday, December 22, 2011

Markov Chains or random text generation

and then at the end of every line: 'Speak roughly to your tea; it's getting late.' So Alice began to tremble. Alice looked round, eager to see if she were looking over their shoulders, that all the jurymen on to himself as he said in a solemn tone, only changing the order of the jurors were all crowded round it, panting, and asking, 'But who is to do this, so she began again: 'Ou est ma chatte?' which was immediately suppressed by the English, who wanted leaders,

The above lines appear to be lifted from Alice in Wonderland. However, on closer observation it is random rubbish. It is just an implementation of Markov Chains (to which we got introduced while working on our mandatory Project required in partial fulfillment of degree). Markov chains work on the principle that the future depends on the present and not on the past. Consider the example "What is the last word at the end of this ______ ?". Well, you must have guessed the word is "sentence" or "line". Markov chains work in a similar way. We have a set of possible succeeding states and the probability of choosing a state depends on the data, the chain is trained on. In other words, the two words "line" and "sentence" represent two different states. Now, if a person usually uses the word "sentence" more then "line", he is more likely to choose "sentence" as his next state.

I will introduce another term "n-grams". Here, "n" refers to the number of states that will be considered for determining the the future state.

In the following program, the training filename is is given as argument. The n-gram model provides an approximation of the book. Books can be downloaded from

import sys,random
N=2  #N is equal to (n-1) from the n-gram
for line in F:
    words = line.split()
    for word in words:
        if '' not in W:
            dic.setdefault( W, [] ).append(word)
            if W[-1][-1] in (',' , '.' , '?' , '!'):
        W =  W[1:] + tuple([(word)])
key = ()
count = 10 #number of sentences to be generated
while True:
    if dic.has_key(key):
        word = random.choice(dic[key])
        print word,
        key = (key[1:] + tuple([(word)]))
        if key in eoS:
            count = count - 1
            if count <= 0:
        key = random.choice(eoS)

Popular implementations are Mark V Shaney and Dissociated press.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sudoku Solver or How to solve Sudoku from its pic | Part 3

In this post, I will discuss about the first few phases of the work. The system needs lots of improvements, which include technology used and the approach followed. Anyways, it was all part of a learning process.

First the image is converted to greyscale, then thresholding is performed on the image and we obtain a binary image. Thresholding can be used to distinguish background from foreground. Usually in simple images, the threshold value is the mean or median of all the pixel values present in it. Pixels whose value is greater than the threshold is assigned a value 1 or otherwise 0. The situation can also be reversed. However, setting a global thresholding value has a drawback - it cannot handle changing lighting conditions e.g. those happening due to strong illumination gradient or shadows. This problem can be solved using adaptive thresholding (also known as local or dynamic thresholding). It is based on the assumption that the illumination throughout a small region will be uniform. This method selects individual thresholds for each pixel based on its neighborhood.

After we get the binary image, we search for the largest blob (based on the assumption that the grid will be the largest blob). Using hough transform on the grid, we can get an estimate of the amount of rotation. We rotate the image to get an upright puzzle area. We crop out the puzzle area and divide it into 9x9 parts. Using template matching, we identify the numbers. template matching is a very naive method. It got confused between 3 and 8, 1 and 4, 2 and 9, 5 and 6. We solved this problem by finding the number of holes in the figure. For example, 8 and 3 has two and zero holes respectively.

The code is as follows. It is rough at the edges and a lot can be improved.

%% adaptive threshholding
C = 0.05;

%% get biggest blob
[label, num] = bwlabel(bw,4);
stats = regionprops (label, 'basic');
mp = find([stats.Area]==mx);
%% crop and get the puzzle area

%% Rotation
[H,theta,rho] = hough(cleanI);
P = houghpeaks(H,5,'threshold',ceil(0.3*max(H(:))));
lines = houghlines(cleanI,theta,rho,P,'FillGap',5,'MinLength',7);
[label, num] = bwlabel(fI,4);
stats = regionprops (label, 'basic');
mp = find([stats.Area]==mx);

%% segment and identify
for i=1:9
for i =0:8
    for j=0:8
        [label n]=bwlabel(gh,8);
        if n >0
            for region =1:length(stats)
                if (xy(3) <10 || xy(4) < 10 )
                    label(stats(region).PixelIdxList) = 0;
            gh = (label~=0);
            [label n]=bwlabel(gh,8);
            if n < 1
            mp = find([stats.Area]==mx);
            if (xy(3)/xy(4) > 0.75 || xy(3)/xy(4) <0.25)
            gh=gh(xy(2):min(xy(2)+xy(4),szx(1)), xy(1):min(xy(1)+xy(3),szx(2)));
            for k=1:9
                temp_(:,:)=XY(k,:,:) ;
                if mx_corr < temp
            gh=imdilate(gh,[se1 se2]);
            gh=imerode(gh,[se1 se2]);
            if (box(i+1,j+1)==8 || box(i+1,j+1)==3)
               if (nx(1).EulerNumber==1)
            if (box(i+1,j+1)==4 || box(i+1,j+1)==1)
               if (nx(1).EulerNumber==0)
            if (box(i+1,j+1)==5 || box(i+1,j+1)==6)
               if (nx(1).EulerNumber<=0)
            if (box(i+1,j+1)==9 || box(i+1,j+1)==2)
                if (nx(1).EulerNumber<=0)
[status result]=system('python');
warning on

Sudoku Solver or How to solve Sudoku from its pic | Part 2

Hi friends,
This post as promised is a detailed explanation of the working and code of the functions explained in  previous post (Part 1).
So here it goes:
The first function was __init(): which initialized the sudoku from the sequence 
(like seq='003000000400080036008000100040060073000900000000002005004070062600000000700600500
 to the sudoku board and called the update function every time it made an update to a cell value.
Given below is the code of __init() function : 

The two for loops of 'i' and 'j' are used to scan the sequence in a way such that it is easier for the program to apply a value to the 9x9 board . The formula 9*(i)+j comes handy in mapping the values from 'seq' to the board  . The 'if' statement checks whether a cell value is available (non-zero) or not . If it is non-zero the integer value of that cell is stored in variable 'val'  and update function is called .After updating it re-updates the position (i,j) in the grid 'a' with value 'val' as a double check.

Next function is the __update() function . This function takes the grid ,updating value, and the two co-ordinate for the position of the updation as its parameters.Before updating the position with the value it does 3 jobs.
i) It deletes any occurrence of that value 'val' in that particular col.
ii) It deletes any occurrence of that value 'val' in that particular row.
iii) it deletes any occurrence of that value 'val' in that particular block. 
Given below is the code of __update() function :

The two line under the first if does job i), the two line under the next if does job ii) and the m,n, block does job iii).
After this it updates the gird position (i,j) with 'val' and return the grid.

The following functions is the implementation of the main idea that solves the sudoku.
Given below is the code of __Backtrack() function :

The backtrack function calls the complete function to know whether the sudoku is complete or not.
If it is complete it return '1' .
If the sudoku is not complete then the function searches for the smallest non-one length value of a cell.
The long line below the first else does this . 
If this length is found out to be zero then it means that the sudoku is in a state where that particular cell can't have any value. Hence it return 0 as this sudoku is faulty and will not yield the correct solution.
If the smallest non-one length value of the board is not zero then it means that this particular cell is going to have  one of these value. The function hence copies all these possible values in temp , and for each value in 'temp'  it makes a copy of the original grid with the position (m,n) having value temp replaced with a single number value from temp.Next line makes an update in the position with this value and update the whole board according to this change by calling __update() function and the assigns  the value in temp to position (m,n) as a double check.
the grid having been changed is sent back for backtracking and if the result is true the program copies the output to an output file using the out_file() function and makes an exit.

The 4th function __complete() could have also been written in the __backtrack() function but I separated it to make the backtrack function look simple.
The code for complete simply iterates over the whole grid ,it is provided with, and return 0 if there is a non-one length value in the grid and 1 otherwise.
Code of _complete() function is provided below :

Next function __out_file() is a dummy function that copies the state of the grid it is provided with to a file.
One may code this function according to his/her will.
Code for My _out_file() function is provided below :

List in this list is the 'main()' function . It  first creates the grid a 9x9 string DDA and calls the _init() function to initialize the grid and then the __backtrack() function which would solve the sudoku and print the output in a separate file.
Code for the main() function is given below :

Apart from these six function i also used a self define deepcopy() function for making the copies of the grid in backtrack function.
Code for my deepcopy function is given below : 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sudoku Solver or How to solve Sudoku from its pic | Part 1

Hi felas ,
This post is the discription of my way of solving a sudoku (in code). Both Utsav and I were eager to code the solver for sudoku and so we both have have our own version of Sudoku Solver.
Since both of these codes were base on backtracking ,they are similar in there basic approach but differ in implementation  . My code is in python using a DDA (or Double Dimensional list as they are called in python) of strings as the Sudoku board.

The input of the incomplete sudoku is accepted in the form of a sequence of 81 numbers where the numbers in the sequence are the 81 cell values for the 9x9 sudoku . The value zero corresponds to an incomplete cell where as any other value(a single integer from 1-9) is considered as the value  for that cell.
Ex: seq = '003000000400080036008000100040060073000900000000002005004070062600000000700600500'

the sudoku board is first initialized to a value of '123456789' in each cell. A value in a cell shows the possible values that the particular cell can take . Thus before accepting the question the sudoku board looks somewhat like the image below.

After initialization the Sudoku board is sent to the update function which updates the row,column and block according to each new element updated in a co-ordinate. After updation the Sudoku board looks like the image below.

Finally the backtacking function is called to solve the sudoku.
the solved piece looks somewhat like this.

My code consist of 6 important functions including the 'main' .Here they are with the discription of what they do:
1)  _init(): This function initializes the board with the unsolved sudoku.
2)  _update(): This function rules out the possibility of occurrence of a number in other cells.
3)  _backtrack(): As the name suggest this function finds a solution to the initialized sudoku by finding assuming values for each cell with different possible values and then updating the sudoku board using the _update() function.
4)  _complete() : The backtrack function makes use of this function to find the state of sudoku ( Sudoku states are i) right and complete ,  ii) incomplete.
5)  _out_file(): This is a dummy function used only to write the output to a file.
6)  _main(): Finally this is the main function from where the code begins. It calls the init() function to initialize the Sudoku board and then the backtrack function to find the solution.

Detailed explanation of the working and code of these function are discussed in part - 2.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sudoku Solver or How to solve Sudoku from its pic | Part 0

Its been a while since we made any post. Well, nothing held our attention long enough can be the excuse. There were games to complete, tournaments to win lose, fests to perform in, lots of series to watch, and exams to appear for. Bob Dylan said that "the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind", and likewise to look for our answers, we changed our direction with the wind and kind of lost track of time. Coming straight to the point, we once thought of making some weekend project, things that take just a weekend to complete. However, we were so lazy in the weekends that nothing happened, and we ended up executing the project in our weekdays.

Allow me to explain the motivation behind our work. Sudoku were a craze this semester. Most in the class survived the onslaught of sleep in the lectures by solving Sudoku puzzles that come daily in the newspaper. However, the issue was sometimes we got stuck and would enter denial of service mode, where we ceased to respond to the outer world. We could use a little hint. However, we needed to wait a whole day for the solution to come. Therefore, we come up with the idea of implementing a solver, to which we feed the image of the puzzle and in turn, it returns the solution.

Now, I will walk you through the steps involved.

The image of the Sudoku is

After converting to grayscale and thresholding,

Then, get the area of interest, i.e the grid

Crop the original image to get the puzzle only

After some cleaning, it will look like

Then, the digits are segmented and identified

Last, the puzzle is solved

Technologies used are MATLAB and Python. All the above steps except the last are carried out by a MATLAB script, and the last is done by a python script.
This is the basic working model. We still need to handle rotation and skewness due to perspective. Also, better recognition algorithms are to be used. 
In the subsequent posts we will talk about our approach in detail.