Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Syncing files of two folders in different computers (dirty way)

Recently I submitted my assignment for Distributed System class. I took it too lightly ,and so procrastinated. I started working on it in the 11th hour ,and quickly realized how much FUBAR my situation was. I set up a team of  two Ubuntu virtual machines on my system, and connected them using virtual LAN. 135 lines later I apparently had something which bore a slight resemblance to the thing I was required to make.

I compared the snapshots of the filelist of the source in the previous sync, of the source in present time, and of the target in the present time. Syncing is done accordingly. I used rsync over ssh to efficiently and securely transfer files between the two VMs. The missing files are deleted. One necessary condition for this to work is that the system clock of the two machines must have almost same time. Another problem is that the synchronizations must happen quite frequently. Also, it has not been extended for more than two machines, and for sub-folders.

Luckily, it worked fine enough to fetch marks.

Following is the python script which compared the filelists

Following script drives the main program (does the comparison, transfer, and deletion)

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